Goku's family is made up of extremely strong characters and these are their most powerful versions

Dragon Ball: these are the most powerful transformations of Goku's family
These are the most powerful forms of Goku's family

Goku came to Earth at an early age, when he was sent to this planet by his parents to prevent him from sharing the fate of his world at the hands of Frieza. Thus, the little one was found by Gohan, who became his adoptive grandfather and took care of himbut also raised him and taught him the love of martial arts.

With the passage of time and adventures, Goku has formed a family, made up of quite strong characters. But we must not make the mistake of thinking that only his children are powerful, since both his wife and daughter-in-law can defend themselves. And we have prepared this post to tell you about Goku's family and his strongest forms.

Chi-Chi during the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament

This version of Chi-Chi surprised Goku with his great abilities

This version of Chi-Chi surprised Goku with his great abilities

Goku met Chi-Chic when they were both children. Goku then promised to come back for her to get married, but he didn't really know what that meant. This wait and feeling of disappointment caused Chi-Chi to learn martial arts and will enter the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournamentwhere he had to fight Goku.

We consider this version of Chi-Chi to be the strongest and most capable, since I not only had the energy of being youngerbut she had trained a lot to participate in this fighting event, demonstrating great talent and the ability to defend herself.


Videl was a character introduced in the Buu arc. This is the daughter of Mr. Satan, the hero of the world. However, Unlike her father, this girl does have great talent for combat and martial arts. In fact, she dedicated herself from an early age to working for justice and confronting criminals.

When Gohan met Videl, she considered him her enemy, so she tried to fight him and the Saiyan recognized that he has more fighting talent than his father. Later, This would teach him to control his ki to learn to flybecoming a formidable warrior as well and accompanied Gohan in his role as a vigilante.

Goten fused with Trunks

Although it's not Goten on his own, this is his most powerful transformation

Although it's not Goten on his own, this is his most powerful transformation

Goten was introduced as Goku's youngest son and a very talented little boy, since he could transform into Super Saiyan at a young age. However, his development and growth was only maintained during the Buu arc.

We consider that his most powerful version is when he fuses with Trunks, and they create Gotenks, the powerful and creative warrior who can even reach Super Saiyan 3which is a great feat.

Gohan in his Beast Mode

Gohan has always been one of the most powerful characters. And, in fact, When he was a teenager, he was considered the strongest warriorsurpassing Goku and Vegeta. However, due to the peace of the world, he stopped training, losing much of his power.

Fortunately, in Dragon Ball Super, we have seen that he has returned again to his role as protector of the Earththus achieving a new and epic transformation powered by his anger, Beast Mode. This is its most powerful version.

Goku with Ultra Instinct mastered

This is Goku's most powerful transformation to date.

This is Goku's most powerful transformation to date.

Regarding Goku, this is a character that has had many transformations over the years. However, its strongest version, without a doubt, is the overpowered Ultra Instinct. This is a divine state that multiplies your power and makes it more efficient in combat.

At least for the moment, this is his most powerful transformation, but this may change with the return of the manga and as he seeks a transformation that reflects your own identity and not that of the angels.


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