On September 20, two major anime franchises premiered their new films in Japan, creating a direct competition that fans had been eagerly anticipating. On the one hand, the “Overlord” movie titled Overlord: The Sacred Kingdom and, on the other, the new installment of “Gotoubun no Hanayome (The Quintessential Quintuplets)”which despite having concluded its main story, presents an original sequel that continues to captivate its audience.

According to box office reports, “Overlord” managed to surpass “Gotoubun no Hanayome,” taking first place in its debut with a first-day gross of 110 million yen, while the quintuplet film ranked second with 55 million yen.


The Overlord film, known as Overlord: The Sacred Kingdom, adapts volumes 12 and 13 of the popular light novels. The plot follows the events of a sacred kingdom that, after years of peace, faces the threat of the demon Jaldabaoth, who leads an army of monsters intent on destroying the kingdom. Desperate, the kingdom's leaders break a taboo and ask for help from Ainz Ooal Gown, the undead king of the Sorcerous Kingdom.

The film has been highly anticipated, in part because it adapts episodes that were not included in the anime's fourth season. Furthermore, its IMAX release a week earlier gave it a significant advantage at the box office, helping to consolidate its position in first place, surpassing other productions that were also released on the same date. In the community comments, fans highlighted Overlord's success at the box office, with some pointing out that the franchise has maintained a strong presence in the industry, even on weekdays:

  • «Even during the week, Overlord had good tickets with the preview».
  • «Momon-sama is showing his true power».

On the other hand, the film “Gotoubun no Hanayome” presents an original story that takes the characters to a new stage in their lives, focusing on the protagonist Fuutarou Uesugi’s honeymoon with the Nakano sisters. Although the main story has already concluded, this new addition has managed to attract fans, which explains its good performance at the box office, despite being an early screening of the anime.

Tickets were sold at lower prices due to their preview nature, which helped to ensure a sizable attendance, although the final box office take was affected by the adjusted prices. Fans have expressed their satisfaction with the film, although they acknowledge that special promotions played a major role in attendance:

  • «Gotoubun It's very strong despite being a preview of the anime».

Despite the success of both films, some in the community have expressed caution about the weekend's numbers. Both “Overlord” and “Gotoubun no Hanayome” are expected to experience a drop in sales over the next few days, as is typical for films aimed at an otaku audience. However, Overlord fans have high expectations, with some suggesting the film could reach 10 billion yen if it maintains its initial momentum.

  • “Could Overlord Surpass 1.5 Billion?”
  • «Overlord is doing more than expected».

On the other hand, Gotoubun no Hanayome fans appreciate that the franchise still has enough strength to remain competitive.even in the face of more epic productions like Overlord. Both films have proven that they remain beloved by fans, and while their performance over the weekend will be decisive, this first day at the box office has already marked a milestone in the battle of these popular franchises.

Fountain: Yaraon!


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