A video from the anime “Ranma 1/2” from 1989 has become a trend again on social networks, thanks to the fact that fans began to reevaluate the quality of the character design and animation that characterized this classic series. In particular, many have highlighted the detailed movement of the busts of the female characters, an animation that has been the object of admiration for its technique and for the creative freedom that, according to community comments, is no longer possible to find in animation modern.

Users have shared their impressions, noting that “This is what makes Ranma, Ranma“, and that the animation of that time had an “incomparable style” with current standards. One comment in particular mentions: “There were many talented animators at that time… but they are all gone“. Nostalgia is mixed with the sadness of fans who mourn the loss of that generation of animators who gave life to these iconic series. Also, other comments like “I feel the artisanal spirit in the movement of the bust” highlight the dedication and meticulous detail in 1980s animation.

However, this trend has been accompanied by the recent release of a remake of “Ranma 1/2” produced by MAPPA studios, which is currently being broadcast. Although this remake has been well received, comparison with the original version is inevitable. The changes in animation are evident, not only due to technological advances, but also due to the emission standards that must be followed today. Times have changed, and while in 1989 naked female torsos could be shown regularly on television, now the restrictions are much stricter. The remake has adopted a modern, more subtle animation style, conforming to current censorship rules.

Fans have noted these differences, expressing that the new style is more conservative and less expressive in terms of the representation of female characters. One of the most recurring comments has been: “About to overflow and very close to daringreferring to the way in which animators of yesteryear managed to balance the sensual with the artistic without crossing lines that would be impossible on television today.

Despite the differences in styles and standards, the remake has generated a lot of anticipation and has served to revive interest in classic anime. However, for many, the 1989 original remains unsurpassed, with fans stating that “I've seen it so many times I lost count.“. The cultural impact of “Ranma 1/2” remains strong over the years, demonstrating that the quality of animation and classic character design continue to capture the imagination of new generations.

Fountain: Otakomu

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