Netflix confirms the premiere date of the DanDaDan anime

Throughout 2024, we have enjoyed several series that have established themselves as some of the best of the year, but there are still great premieres in the world of anime. Among the most anticipated are Bleach and Blue Lock, but without a doubt, the series that promises to surprise worldwide is DanDaDan.

The adaptation of the successful manga Yukinobu Tatsu has generated high expectations thanks to multiple previews (and unexpected leaks), which reveal Netflix's ambition with this production, and now, after several months of waiting, the company has confirmed its release date.

It will be next October 4, 2024 when DanDaDan lands on Netflix with a bang. However, it is still unknown if the streaming platform will streaming The US will opt for a full release with all episodes available from day one or will opt for a weekly release to coincide with the Japanese release.

The study Science SARUresponsible for other Netflix hits such as Devilman Crybaby and Scott Pilgrim takes the leap, looking to repeat the success with this adaptation, which aspires to become a benchmark in the industry. So much so that the series will receive a preview in cinemas worldwide several weeks before its official launch on the platform.

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