Few anime endings have been as long as 'Attack on Titan' ('Attack on Titan'). Because its fourth season, released in 2020, arrived with the nickname “Final Season”… but it was divided into two parts and then we had two more special chapters titled “The Final Chapters” that did not completely close the series until 2023.
Well, if all this chaos of Part 1, Part 2, Part 83_NowYesYes has us a little lost, the creators of the anime have decided to simplify the end of the anime with a “definitive version” in film format that will go straight to theaters.
The definitive ending (really yes)
According to the official website of 'Shingeki no Kyojin', this new film will be called 'Shingeki no Kyojin: The Last Attack' and will collect the material from 'Part 3 – The Final Chapters' and 'Part 4 – The Final Chapters'. Come on, the last two chapters of the anime series.
These two chapters together have a total duration of 145 minutes (including opening sequences and credits), which with good editing is a perfect format for a film. MAPPA has also confirmed that Visual finish and sound mixing for cinemas have been improvedand which will include the Linked Horizon song “Two Thousand Years… Or Perhaps… To You After Twenty Thousand Years…”.
In Japan it will be released next November 8th in theaters, and for the moment it is not certain that it will have international distribution. It will probably depend on the success it has at the box office, but Yuichiro Hayashi, The director of these last episodes promises that it is the format in which he always wanted to show the end of 'Shingeki no Kyojin'.
“I'm so excited to finally be able to make this announcement. Please don't say that you can always watch The Final Part online. From the very beginning, I storyboarded this with the intention of it being a one-of-a-kind film!” the director said. “Having the opportunity for everyone to see it in the best possible environment, in theaters, feels like I've achieved a long-cherished dream. We're also working on further improving the visuals. Please experience The Rumble in theaters!”
Already at the time, many fans theorized that the end of 'Shingeki no Kyojin' would come directly to theaters in the form of a movie, very much in the line of 'Kimetsu no Yaiba', and Considering the extremely long wait between deliveries, it almost would have been better. Now that we know that its director had always preferred that format, it is not very clear why. MAPPA He went off on a tangent so much, but at least Hayashi got away with it.
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