Demon Slayer features an intriguing story that has never been told in the anime.

Gyokko did not have an empathic past, but was a monster before becoming a demon.

Demon Slayer features an intriguing story that has never been told in the anime.
Gyokko's past shows us that he had lost his humanity before being visited by Muzan.

One of the peculiarities that Demon Slayer has, especially compared to many other popular stories in the industry, is that it tries to show the fans the background and the past of its characters, but this is not limited only to the protagonists, but also to the villains, who have very interesting origins.

Demon Slayer is one of those mangas that allows readers and viewers to connect with the villains of the work, since not all of them are evil just for the sake of it. In fact, some were victims of circumstances and some mistakes led them to accept Muzan's “gift”.

However, one character who was completely omitted in this regard is Gyokko, the Upper Moon Five, as the third season never showed her backstory or past life. This omission happened in both the manga and the anime.However, Gotouge took the time to offer some important details.

Who was Gyokko before becoming a demon?

Gotouge revealed what Gyokko's past was like as part of the official Demon Slayer fanbook

Gotouge revealed what Gyokko's past was like as part of the official Demon Slayer fanbook

As we mentioned, both the Demon Slayer manga and anime completely omitted Gyokko's background and pastThis came as something of a surprise to fans, as the franchise often took the time to delve into the past lives of demons.

However, although fans did not have the opportunity to know who Gyokko was in his life before being a demon, the truth is that Koyoharu Gotouge later chose to, reveal some interesting details and expected by the public.

Basically, and generally speaking, Gyokko was not one of those characters who was good in his life and who ended up being a victim of bad circumstancesbut always had a certain inclination towards darkness and death.

Gyokko is not only a despicable demon, but he was an individual who lost his humanity a long time ago.

Gyokko is not only a despicable demon, but he was an individual who lost his humanity a long time ago.

In the official Demon Slayer fanbook, Gotouge took the time to tell us more details about Gyokko's past. First of all, her name as a human was Managi, and He was a man who lived in a coastal townHowever, he was convicted due to his unusual behavior. All this mental imbalance began after he lost his parents, who drowned while they were fishing.

Managi came across the corpses of his parents, who were completely disfigured. However, instead of being horrified, he ended up captivated and finding beauty in this dark landscape. It was then that He began to kill animals and collect the corpses of well as other unusual practices, such as sewing fish together, for example.

But everything got worse one day, when a boy from the village made fun of him. This situation did not please Managi, so he ended up killing the boy and stuffing his corpse into a vase. And when the boy's parents found out the truth, Managi was stabbed with a fishing spear and left him to die in agony. It was here that Muzan appeared before him and offered him a second chance.

Both Gyokko's design and Blood Art relate to her past.

Both Gyokko's design and Blood Art relate to her past.

Gyokko is a rather different demon, as his past life is not like that of other demons that were introduced in the series, which prevents fans from empathizing with him. In fact, Managi never regretted what he did. nor did he feel any such emotion. Instead, he had developed a fascination with death and disfigurement. And this all got worse when he became a demon, as he was not bound by any code, so he could murder women and children without any problem.

Can claim that Gyokko was not humannot even before becoming a demon, as his actions demonstrate a lack of empathy and humanity. But that's not all, as his Blood Art is linked to his past, as well as his design. The fact that he has short arms like those of an infant reflects his obsession with them, like the one he ended up killing.

In fact, as an additional detail, The Demon Slayer fanbook also explains that he loved to devour to children and modify their bodies. For him, this whole disfigurement thing is art.

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