Tite Kubo, the creator and artist of the manga “Bleach,” has revealed some exciting new updates about the upcoming animated season of “Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War.”whose Part 3 premiere is confirmed for October of this year. Kubo made these announcements during an exclusive radio show, available through his official fan club, where he was accompanied by Masakazu Morita, the Japanese voice actor for Ichigo Kurosaki, and Noriaki Sugiyama, who plays Uryu Ishida.

According to social media users like @IchigoTaicho9 and @solcito93 on Twitter, who translated parts of the show, Kubo praised the animation team for capturing the “intense” feelings and “grandeur” he wanted to convey through the final arc of the story in the latest trailer for Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War – The Conflict.

Masakazu Morita joined Kubo in praising the new season's animation, particularly admiring how the concept of Bankai is no longer exclusive to the main characters.Akio-san (Japanese voice actor Akio Otsuka) and his (Shunsui) Kyoraku Bankai are something else entirely!“, Morita commented. “It's not fair! His Bankai is so impressive».

Kubo also revealed that the anime team often shows him trailers before their official release, even if they are still in progress. This allows him to give feedback on the idea and tone of the trailers. He also shared that Bleach's final arc had been planned since the first episodes of the series.

«The final arc is something I've been working on for a long time.“Kubo confessed.When I was writing the first arcs of Bleach, I already had this vision of a Thousand-Year Blood War in mind. I wanted to create something epic, something that showed the true magnitude of the conflict and the impact it could have on the characters. The stakes are higher than ever, and that makes every decision and every battle even more meaningful. This arc is very dear to me, because it is not only the end of Bleach, but also the culmination of everything the characters have been through. I put a lot of my heart and soul into this work, and I wanted to make sure that both readers and viewers could feel that.».

Although the final story affects the entire Bleach universe, not all characters have had enough of a spotlight in the anime adaptation so far. According to Kubo, this will change in Part 3 of TYBW.I would say… keep an eye out for characters who haven’t had much time in the spotlight before. Some of them will play very important roles in this arc.“, the author said. “I wanted to go deeper into certain characters who may not have had as much development in the previous arcs, so you can expect some surprises.».


The new season, Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War Part 3 – The Conflict, is scheduled to premiere on October 5, 2024. With an animation team that has managed to capture the epic essence of this final saga and the promise of development for previously underrated characters, fans have much to look forward to.

Fountain: @solcito93 on Twitter


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