The final chapter of the manga “Twin Star Exorcists (Sousei no Onmyouji)”, written and illustrated by Yoshiaki SukenoThis work concludes after a successful serialization that spanned eleven years, from its debut in October 2013 to September 2024. During this time, the series accumulated more than thirty collected volumes, consolidating itself as one of the most popular series in the magazine.


“Twin Star Exorcists” follows the story of Rokuro Enmado and Benio Adashino, two talented young exorcists who, according to a prophecy, are destined to marry and have a child who will become the ultimate exorcist, known as the “Miko.” This supreme being will be able to purify all evil spirits, known as Kegare, and put an end to a thousand-year-old war. The plot begins when Rokuro, once a promising exorcist, abandons his vocation after a tragic incident that cost the lives of his friends. However, his encounter with Benio, a renowned exorcist from the east, forces him to face his destiny once again.

The popularity of the manga led to it being adapted into an anime series produced by Pierrot Studios, which aired between April 2016 and March 2017, totaling fifty episodes. The anime further expanded the franchise's fan base, featuring an animated version of the story that captured the essence of the manga, though took some creative liberties in its development.

In addition to the manga and anime, “Twin Star Exorcists” also spawned other spin-off products, such as three light novels and two spin-off manga, which explored different aspects of the universe created by Sukeno. Bandai Namco Entertainment also developed a video game for the PS Vita, released in January 2017, which allowed players to immerse themselves even further in the fight against the Kegare.

With the conclusion of “Twin Star Exorcists,” fans are bidding farewell to a series that not only offered thrilling storytelling and endearing characters, but also left a significant mark on manga and anime. Yoshiaki Sukeno's work says goodbye after eleven years of intense stories, epic battles and a legacy that will live on in the memory of its followers.

  • «Dawn is breaking. The Sun, the Moon, and countless stars have been waiting for this dawn of the universe. This is the story of a family. A boy and a girl. They met many people and parted ways with some of them. They grew up. They became close. They talked about love and forged a life. This is the story of a boy and a girl who defied their cruel fate, and the story of their son, endowed with the power to change that fate and save the world. This is the story of how a family achieved happiness.».

Fountain: Official Site


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